Stand_Prototype Update!

--- Update V_1.2 ---

What's new:

  • Added a Stand! As of right now it only has one move, the Barrage
  • Added a targetDummy. This dummy can only move around and react to the player's attacks, but cannot die or anything
  • Added a standArrow. Touch it and see what you can do


  • Changed the time back from 1 hour to 1 hour and 20 minutes
  • The code for the Stand and the targetDummy can be described by my friend Luigi: Spaghetti!    I usually don't plan out something before I do it which is a bad habit, therefore I ended up with something that is jumbled up and inefficient.
  • There's no way to do damage to anything yet. I've yet to add a health and damage system.
  • Changed from switching between cameras by the press of a single button to switching using the numbers on the top. This was done with very few lines of code, and allows for an efficient and simple way of adding or removing cameras in the future.
  • You're able to interact with the targetDummy. As for now, though, you're only able to stun it.
  • Even though the code for the Stand and targetDummy is a bunch of spaghetti, I'm still quite proud of it. I've tweaked the timings of the animations and functions quite a bit, and they work very nicely in my opinion

Files Play in browser
Feb 20, 2020

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